The Very Quiet Studio

When one has moments in peace and fulfillment, one knows happiness
when one has a constant stable peace of mind and an unbounded sense of fulfillment,
one knows Great Happiness. That place is very quiet... it can be anywhere, anytime.
a) To promote the Asian Heritage
b) To encourage Mental Health Fitness
c) To educate on physical and mental health literacy
d) To produce arts, culture and heritage related films or plays.
Influence through Art
To produce creative projects through the use of cinematic works and soundtracks with international artists.
To produce, direct, write, organise other audio or stage or visual production in suitable genres or medium or new platforms.
To build our mental capabilities and use our minds as a resource to stay fit and sound.
Empowerment through Advocacy
To encourage Mental Health Fitness for the aging and aged, both locally and internationally.
To inspire through organising forums, varying art genres and educational works, for continuous self-awakening and development.
To introduce innovative products that empower the independence of seniors in their daily living.
Awareness through Education
To produce publications on Buddhism Dharma and secular books.
To educate on physical and mental health literacy through the use of arts, new media or applications, and research.
To develop short-term programmes which bring change to create better life attitudes and practices.
mission statement
To promote better minds, reflections and learning conditions, for personal and social well being, through preservations and active re-discovery of higher truths, asian heritage, spiritual treasures.
The Very Quiet Studio Limited is an Arts & Cultural Heritage Non-Profit organization since Nov 2016, and established as a charity on 12 Dec 2017.
It was first setup in 2007 May 24 as a creative arts organization.
It is supported by donations and grants. Your kind donation shall be matched
by Singapore Cultural Matching Fund, dollar-to-dollar, to the organization.

静境镜创作室是艺术暨文化遗产组织成立于2007年5月24日。 2016年11月注册为非盈利团体,2017年12月12日再设立为公益组织。有赖捐助、基金和拨款的赞助得以完成活动。您的捐款将让我室获得新加坡文化对补基金,一元对一元的捐赠。

1) online transfer 线上转账
The Very Quiet Studio Limited
Singapore OCBC Account 596 278 663 001

2) Cheque 支票 The Very Quiet Studio Limited.
Mail to 36 Robinson Road, #14-03 City House Singapore 068877

3) Paynow to UEN 201631481G or scan QR Code

4) Paypal to theveryquietstudio@gmail.com
Mailing address:
The Very Quiet Studio limited
Charity Organization
UEN 201631481G
Address: c/o TJ Assurance
36 Robinson Road, #14-03 City House
Singapore 068877
For any other communications & enquiries related matters, please email to: