大道神明精妙,参与宇宙万物的各种变化;万物业已或死、或生、或方、或圆,却没有谁知晓变化的根本,一切都是那么自然而然地自古以来就自行存在。“六合”算是十分巨大的,却始终不能超出道的范围;秋天的毫毛算是最小的,也得 仰赖于道方才能成就其细小的形体。宇宙万物无时不在发生变化,始终保持着变化的新姿,阴阳与四季不停地运行,各有自身的序列。大道是那么浑沌昧暗仿佛并不存在却又无处不在,生机盛旺、神妙莫测却又不留下具体的形象,万物被它养育却一点也未觉察。这就称作本根,可以用它来观察自然之道了。
Knowledge of Wandered North
Heaven and earth have their great beauties but do not speak of them; the four seasons have their clear-marked regularity but do not discuss it; the ten thousand things have their principles of growth but do not expound them. The sage seeks out the beauties of Heaven and earth and masters the principles of the ten thousand things. Thus it is that the Perfect Man does not act, the Great Sage does not move - they have perceived [the Way of ] Heaven and earth, we may say.
This Way, whose spiritual brightness is of the greatest purity, joins with others in a hundred transformations. Already things are living or dead, round or square; no one can comprehend their source, yet here are the ten thousand things in all their stir and bustle, just as they have been since ancient times. Things as vast as the Six Realms have never passed beyond the border [of the Way]; things as tiny as an autumn hair must wait for it to achieve bodily form. There is nothing in the world that does not bob and sink, to the end of its days lacking fixity. The yin and yang, the four seasons follow one another in succession, each keeping to its proper place. Dark and hidden, [the Way] seems not to exist and yet it is there; lush and unbounded, it possesses no form but only spirit; the ten thousand things are shepherded by it, though they do not understand it - this is what is called the Source, the Root. This is what may be perceived in Heaven.
translated by Burton Watson